Thursday, November 15, 2012


Well here I am in full swing with this whole ebook thing with my latest addition. 
May I introduce you to the most hilarious Christmas tale you will ever come across. The Christmas Crunch is sure to become an instant holiday classic with its whimsical humour, outrageous characters, intense action and heart-warming ending.

You can find more details at the above link. Take a look at it and drop me a note letting me know what you think.

While you are there, check out Smashwords home page for some other great indie authors. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Look up....Way up....

Oh those words from waaaaayy back. Those of you who are from North of the 49th may find the phrase familiar from the  Bob Homme, aka The Friendly Giant. He was the 'big guy' on CBC with a delightful show that ran from '58 to somewhere in the mid 80's. Man that was a long time ago. Lest I get into a reminiscent mood, let me change gears and indeed 'Look up...way up'.

In my life, so far, half a century and still kickin', I have always looked up. Not so much in the faith perspective, but in the pursuit of a dream. One thing we must all understand is that looking up all the time is really not a good idea. There is the real threat that keeping eyes focused on your dreams leaves you susceptible to falling into a hole in the ground that you could not see coming. There is a point I am trying to get to, but again you may have already deduced that I get a little long winded.

I have a dream, a vision if you will, to become very successful with my writing. Deep down I know that I AM successful, it's just that time has not caught up to that notion just yet. It is out there, out of reach but not out of sight. Dream my friends, have your head in the clouds but your feet on terra firm. Take each step, one at a time toward your goal but do not let it consume you. For you are all that you are. Each breath you take fills your lungs with new energy. If you are engulfed in one desire, you are an addict, not good. An addiction blinds one of everything else. It eats up the rest of your life. No, that being said, I don't think one should be less than eager and devoted to something, because life is full of lots of somethings, I am saying dream, but live.

I have been writing for close to 35 years. Some hits, a lot of misses, and very little success to date. Success measured in acquired dollars from sales, that is. I have immense success in the volume of stories and screenplays and poems that, as stated prior, are in boxes in my office. I dream of them being on the shelves of those bookstores, I really do. My biggest high would be to walk into a friends, friends house for a party and seeing my book on the coffee table. "You like this book?" I would ask. "Yeah, I love it. Have you read it?" would be their replay, and to which I would respond, "Read it? I wrote it!" Man what a rush that would be. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, success. My success is in knowing that I trapped 130,000 or 50,000 words on paper, in a cohesive order and have a story that has a beginning middle and end and has trapped a vision that, number one makes sense and number two, that would never had existed if I did not give it life.

For me, writing is an escape. I actually need something to escape from when I am ready to write. If everything is great in my life, I have nothing to escape from and thus my muse doth forsake me. I guess I have to live a tortured existence in order to be able to continue as an author. That doesn't bode well with me.

 But then I look up...way up. I see the vastness of the sky and I think of all the possibilities that  are all around me, us. I know that the sun is up there, even behind the clouds and will be there for a long time, and everyday is a new day. I tell my kids, that no matter how bad you messed up today, no matter how rotten your day was, the universe give you tomorrow to try and either fix it or make it better.

 It's called hope. And hope is somewhere on the top rungs of that ladder that are hidden in the heavens.

So keep looking up, but watch where you are owners can be quite derelict in their duties.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello! Hello?

So, in the vastness that is the internet, you have found me. Fancy that! Serendipity? Karma? Fate? Call it what you wish, you are here. You may have stumbled here via Smashwords and my new addition to the ebook market,(which is cool in itself) or you just hit the 'next blog' tab, it really doesn't matter. What matters is how the universe works.

Believe in whatever God or lack there of that you do, whilst I believe that there are no accidents or coincidences in this world.

We are all connected by some universal plot that is so damn big,( I think it is bigger than space but not too sure,) that we can't see the whole thing. We catch it in bits and pieces and it it is our job to figure it all out. You are here. Why? Curiosity or some kismet connection. Some bigger plan, perhaps. Or maybe something as simple as we are connected. Maybe you will find something on this blathering blog of mine that will strike a cord with your life, or mine. Some of the stuff on this blog is not family friendly, meaning that I fire off on a rant, peppered with profanity, and poor punctuation. (You will find I like alliterations). I apologize a fore hand, you stand warned. 

Now where was I? oh yeah, you are here. Get comfortable! grab a drink sit down and make yourself comfortable. Lots to check out here, but let us get acquainted. 

I am a writer. Google me. Go ahead. I'll wait. You will find a couple of things out there. The majority of my writing is taking up valuable Gb space on several computers in my house. And God knows how many trees have sacrificed themselves for the reams of paper that have edited versions of countless stories of mine in boxes in my basement. Way too many stories awaiting infamy and my retirement to polish to a gleam. Somehow, in my ideal world, when working for 'the man' has sucked the life out of me, and I am tired enough to be retired, I will have my stories to keep me busy.

I thought that just a few weeks ago. Until I found Smashwords and everything changed. No I have not become rich...yet, I have found a way to stick a large stick up the arse of the traditional publishing world. I have spent years looking for an agent only to find you can't get an agent if you are not published and you can't get published if you don't have an agent! You know what I think? Piss on you. Those elitist pricks can choke on their ivory tower snobbery now with the advent of indie publishing. The agent works for me but he/she chooses me? The publisher has the foresight to see whether my book is good enough for the market? Two words, can you guess them?

Bless Smashwords and the attitude they have for us little guys, too far beneath the crumbling towers of industry, where they are all crapping their pants at the ebook market and the self, indie publishing world. You nasty bullies up there in your New York offices are getting what bullies deserve. Choke on it.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My New Faerie Story




Well, I,m back! And what great news I have to share. I have entered the digital book market with one of my best stories, the Wish. A story that came about as I was telling my daughter, who was seven at the time, a bedtime story. As stated in the forward of the book,  when my children were little, I would read them a bedtime story and then I would turn out the lights and tell them one that I would make up...on the spot! Not so easy. It got to the point, one night when my son asked me to tell him a story about a gorilla and a tricycle. "Buddy, I've never told you a story about a gorilla and a tricycle!" To which he replied, "No...TELL me one about it." He was working me, the little bugger.

Well those stories primed me for the Wish.

The Wish, is a fantasy novel about Faeries and Goblins and the everlasting battle between them. Set to the backdrop of the dying of the Elpitha Tree, the lifesource for all the Encahntlings. Caught up in the escalating tension is a tiny nine year old girl whose soul mission in life is to save the Faeries she loves so much. In her pocket is the key to Faeries fate, something that has eluded tham for four centuries, A Wish.

Hope you enjoy, the story.
You can find it here:

You can sample it, read it and download in any format that fits your device.
